Working in remote Alaska
Alison Kelley
Allison obtained her B.S in Biochemistry from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Upon graduating, she accepted a Research Assistant position on the Tropical Oceans and Global Atmospheres research cruise in the People’s Republic of China to study anthropogenic contributions to climate change. This experience launched Alison’s lifelong pursuit of environmental science and a commitment to sustainable natural resource development. This work has taken her to gas exploration projects in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve-A, the 800-mile long crude oil Trans Alaska Pipeline System, international training and capacity building in Kuwait and Beirut, mining projects on Alaska Native Corporation lands in the Arctic, Antarctic deployments on multiple research projects, and resource exploration and development projects throughout rural Alaska. As a generalist, Alison seeks a collaborative approach to find science-supported solutions to environmental challenges. Her clients rely on her to find cost-effective methods to comply with and potentially exceed regulatory requirements. Alison is committed to developing and supporting the upcoming generation of environmental scientists to ensure the highest level of environmental excellence in years to come.